Recent Law Librarianship Literature
- Win-Win Situation - The benefits of hosting law library interns and making internships easy to find (Nov. 2005): describes the New England Law Library
Consortium’s Law Library Internship Clearinghouse
From Legal Reference Services Quarterly, v. 24, Issue 3/4:
- "Creating and Maintaining Legal History Collections" (pp. 1-65): outlines four different areas that law libraries should consider in order to fully support scholarly interest in legal history research: collection analysis, collection development, collection formats, and rare book collecting
From Legal Information Management (British and Irish Association of Law Librarians), v.5, issue 2, Sept. 2005:
- "New and Improved Training Programmes at the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies Library"
- "EISIL: A Gateway to International Legal Information on the Internet": paper given at the BIALL Pre-Conference Seminar on Treaties and International Law, June 9, 2005. EISIL is the Electronic Information System for International Law, launched in September 2004 as a project of the American Society of International Law. It is designed to assist researchers who are looking for information on international law
- "Sarbanes-Oxley Act Resources: Print and Electronic, Free and Fee": the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 has established a new reason for legal publishers to bring out books and loose-leaf services
From Law Library Journal, v. 97, no. 4, Fall 2005:
- Persistent Identification of Electronic Documents and the Future of Footnotes: "Over the past decade, the use of Internet citations in the footnotes of law review articles has grown from a trickle to a flood. But it is well documented that Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) experience link rot, that is, over time the URL is more and more likely to become a dead link, making the footnote citation worthless or nearly so."
- The Death of the Digest and the Pitfalls of Electronic Research: What Is the Modern Legal Researcher to Do?: "Unfortunately, tomorrow’s lawyers are unaware of some common shortcomings of electronic research and do not possess the strategies to compensate for them. The blame for this situation does not lie with the vendors who trained them, the college librarians who failed to teach them information literacy skills, or the databases that are not easy enough to use. The blame must be placed squarely upon law librarians who have not recognized the needs of their patrons and who must do more to make them excellent legal researchers in the electronic environment."
Labels: current awareness, law libraries

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