Saturday, April 30, 2011

Canadian Association of Law Teachers Launches GradLawLounge

The website of the Canadian Association of Law Teachers has launched GradLawLounge, a new section on issues of interest to Canadian graduate students in law:
"It’s a space for us to ask questions about legal academia, chat about important issues, get information on upcoming conferences and research symposia, keep abreast of job postings and post-doctoral opportunities, and even gossip a bit about life in our programs. As we all know, graduate students often live solitary lives and the whole experience of legal academia can be bewildering. Our hope is that this online forum will start to let us pool our knowledge, bounce ideas off each other, and generally get to know each other."
There is also a Twitter feed at @GradLawLounge .

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posted by Michel-Adrien at 7:48 am


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