Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What Would You Tell Your Past MLIS-Student Self?

Last week, the SLA (Special Libraries Association) organized an #SLAtalk on Twitter.

Participants were asked to go on Twitter and answer 4 questions relating to "What Would You Tell Your Past MLIS-Student Self?" People used the hashtag #SLAtalk.

The SLA has summarized the results on its blog.

The 4 questions were:
  1. What subjects or skills do you wish you were taught or exposed to in library school?
  2. What was your favorite class or project in LIS school? How have you applied what you learned to your career?
  3. What formal supplemental education, if any, did you pursue after library school?
  4. What recommendations would you give a library school student?

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posted by Michel-Adrien at 7:57 pm


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