Three-Part Series on State of Law Library eBooks 2017-18
It is written by Ellyssa Kroski, Director of Information Technology at the New York Law Institute (NYLI) :
"This article will describe the current landscape of eBooks relevant to the law library field, the benefits and challenges of offering eBooks in law libraries, the different ways to purchase law-related eBooks, and how to get started choosing a solution. This is Part One of a three-part article series which will be followed closely by Part Two: Brass Tacks which will discuss the different pricing models that are available, how they work, their advantages, disadvantages, and a checklist of questions to ask before choosing an eBook solution for your law library. Part Three: What Law Libraries are Doing will delve into what we’ve chosen to do for our eBooks program at NYLI and how that has evolved over the past five years to a hybrid model, as well as what other law libraries have chosen as their solutions."
Labels: e-books, law libraries

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