Monday, January 28, 2019

Globe and Mail Series on Canada's Data Deficit

On the weekend, the Globe and Mail newspaper published a series of articles on what it calls Canada's data deficit, or the often large gaps in the data available in Canada to inform decision-making.

I am copying the links and summaries from the website
Articles added on January 27:
  • Experts urge Ottawa to fix Canada’s data deficit
    Canada could fix gaps in public data by improving co-ordination between provinces, copying ideas from other countries and reforming key pieces of legislation that stifle access to information, according to academics, former Statistics Canada workers and international experts. 
  • Data is knowledge, and Canadians deserve to know themselves
    In Statistics Canada today, the cart is leading the horse with new funding going toward the implementation and administration of policy decisions already taken, whether or not they are supported by the evidence.
The paper's reporters identified 28 data deficits, areas where it is difficult to get a clear picture, based of dozens of interviews, research reports, government documents, international searches and feedback from its own newsroom. Examples include:
  •  What are the wait times for mental-health services?
  •  Which cities have the lowest vaccination rates?
  •  At what rate are workers being killed on the job?
  •  How often are tenants being evicted?
  •  Do children with disabilities have the services they need?
  •  How many Indigenous women are missing?
  •  Which fish species are in danger?
  •  Do our judges reflect the Canadian population?

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posted by Michel-Adrien at 7:48 pm


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