Primary Research Group Report on University Faculty Use of Library Assistance in Navigating Bibliometrics & Altmetrics Tools
"This 76-page report presents data from a sample of 325 faculty from research universities in the USA, Canada, the UK, Ireland and Australia about their use of library resources in navigating bibliometrics and altmetrics tools. The study reports on the extent of use of library classes, videos, tutorials, brown bag lunch presentations and other sources of assistance to faculty on the growing use of bibliometric and altmetric tools. In addition, the study reports on the percentage of faculty seeking help of any kind in this area, their evaluation of the quality of the help offered, and their needs in this area currently and in the future. Data in the report is broken down by many useful criteria including age, gender, academic title, field of subject specialization, teaching load and other personal variables, as well as institutional variables such as world university ranking, public/private status, host country, and other institutional variables."Print and PDF versions are available. Site licenses are also available.
Labels: library management, surveys

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