Thursday, November 12, 2015

New Zealand Law Commission Paper on Abuse Victims Who Kill Their Abusers

The Law Commission of New Zealand has published an Issues paper on Victims of family violence who commit homicide as part of its consultation process.

From the press release:
"The Law Commission is seeking feedback to improve the law relating to victims of family violence who kill their abusers in an Issues Paper published today. "
"The key questions are whether the law of self-defence for victims of family violence should be reformed, and whether New Zealand should introduce a new partial defence (that would reduce murder to manslaughter) for victims of family violence. The paper also asks whether there should be changes to sentencing and evidence law, and education on family violence for judges, lawyers and juries."
The paper also looks at the comparable legal situation in countries such as England, Australia, Canada and Ireland.

The New Zealand media has coverage:

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posted by Michel-Adrien at 6:25 pm


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