Help Redesign the Supreme Court of Canada Judgments Website
Lemyre is the products and business development manager at LexUM, the Université de Montréal's legal technology lab that hosts Court decisions for free.
In his post, Lemyre wrote:
Lemyre can be reached at lemyrep [AT]" ... I drafted a wish list of features we always wanted to implement but that never made it online for all kind of reasons. I am interested to get your thoughts on this list and particularly on any missing feature (...)
- Structure all case related information under one interface (docket information, data from the bulletins, filings / factums, webcasts, decisions);
- Cross references between related information of one single case;
- Links on citations in the body of documents;
- Links to appeal and first instance decisions available on CanLII;
- Snippets or keywords displayed in search results;
- Improved highlights of search results with navigation;
- Ability to search in Webcasts;
- RSS feeds (for website updates and also potentially by case);
- Keywords displayed on updates for the mailing list / RSS / website;
- Interface for mobile device;
- Adding all PDFs from the report and making PDFs searchable"
Labels: databases, Supreme Court of Canada, web design

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