Supreme Court of Canada: New Library Titles
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Labels: Supreme Court of Canada

Legal research news from an Ottawa law librarian
Labels: Supreme Court of Canada
Labels: criminal law, human rights, statistics
"Introduced in 2016 using artificial intelligence and machine learning to assist in legal research, Points of Law is a product of Bloomberg Law."
"Points of Law allows users to quickly identify and analyze language in a judicial opinion. The product adds a layer of automated indexing to its 13 million—and counting—library of published and unpublished state and federal court opinions to provide users with a decision’s legal points and identify legal precedents. In addition, researchers can conduct keyword searches across all case law or specific jurisdictions within the content library (...)"
"AALL’s New Product Award honors new commercial information products that enhance or improve existing law library services or procedures—or products that improve access to legal information, the legal research process, or procedures for the technical processing of library materials. "
Labels: awards, legal publishers, legal research and writing, library associations
Labels: continuing education, law libraries, library associations
Labels: aerospace law, international law, treaties
"Pension plans, insurance proceeds, and other retirement savings vehicles play an important role in the savings strategies of Canadians. As individuals pay into these plans over the years, issues arise such as: what happens when the plan owner dies? Where does the money go?"
"In Manitoba, the treatment of the proceeds of these financial products upon the death of the owner is regulated by The Insurance Act, The Pension Benefits Act and The Beneficiary Designation Act (Retirement, Savings and Other Plans) (hereinafter “The Beneficiary Designation Act”). The latter provides for designation of beneficiaries to occur without the formalities required under The Wills Act."
"Recently, a gap in The Beneficiary Designation Act came to the attention of the Commission respecting beneficiary designations when plans are renewed, replaced or converted. In these situations, a new plan is created and the old plan ceases to exist. Plan beneficiary designations do not automatically roll over and a fresh beneficiary designation must be made or, upon the death of the owner of the plan, the proceeds are payable to the plan owner’s estate. A further look at the legislation and comparison with the legislation of other jurisdictions highlighted several other potential deficiencies in Manitoba’s legislative scheme."
"This Consultation Report considers possible amendments to improve the legislation and procedure related to beneficiary designations in Manitoba. Given the popularity of pension plans, registered savings plans, and other retirement savings vehicles in the marketplace today, it is important to ensure that the legislative scheme in place provides appropriate and adequate guidance to plan owners, designated beneficiaries and the legal profession. "
Labels: government_Manitoba, law commissions, pension law, wills and estates
"We continue to work at making sure that the Canadian legal community has the tools it needs in ways that give them the best value possible. Commentary is the next logical step. For the growing number of users of CanLII who rely only on open materials for their practice (for need or by choice), knowing that one particular law review or content provider publishes materials openly on its site or other platform is great. Having access to a list of what’s open and the possibility of searching it all at once in the same interface than where they search for primary law is better by several orders of magnitude."
"In short, publishing more commentary on CanLII will facilitate improved access and discoverability of existing secondary content that’s currently published around the web, which will help this valuable content become more integrated into researchers regular processes."
Labels: CanLII, legal research and writing, open access
"The study presents data from 39 colleges and universities predominantly from the USA but also from the UK, France, Spain, Denmark, Israel and New Zealand, among other countries. The 160+ page comprehensive study presents detailed data on budgets, staffing, borrowing and lending, turnaround time, technology use, consortia and partnerships, revenues and costs, eBook lending, special collections lending, audio-visual materials lending and much else ..."Print and PDF versions are available for $112.00 (US). Site licenses are also available.
"Just a few of the report’s many findings are that:
- The vast majority of respondents reported that ILL staffing has stayed the same over the last three years.
- Only 10% participated in international agreements or consortia.
- For borrowing requests fulfilled through transfer of paper resources by post or courier, the average turnaround time for articles is between 6 and 7 days and for books is between 7 and 8 days."
Labels: inter-library loans, library management
"As its name implies, the IFLP focuses primarily on law journals published outside the U.S. Casual users of the Index may be surprised at just how broad its coverage is. The IFLP includes over 365,000 records of articles and book reviews published in more than 500 top law journals from jurisdictions throughout the world. More than 60,000 of these articles are available in full text on HeinOnline. Articles from nearly four dozen international, regional, jurisdiction-specific, and subject-specific legal yearbooks also are included. In addition, the IFLP analyzes the contents of approximately 50 individually published collections of essays, Festschriften, Mélanges, and congress reports each year. Roughly half of the articles indexed are published in languages other than English. In total, more than two dozen languages are represented, making the IFLP the only truly multilingual index to legal scholarship worldwide."
Labels: comparative and foreign law, databases, international law, journals, legal research and writing
Labels: human rights, statistics
Labels: Supreme Court of Canada
Labels: current awareness, libraries
Labels: databases, government documents, government_USA, portals
"Merger discussions began in June, 2016 in recognition of a changed research environment and with the goal of building on the strengths and complementary activities of two of Canada’s most impactful content-based national organizations serving Canada’s digital research infrastructure. This merger allows CRKN and Canadiana to cohesively pursue a united and coordinated strategy that is envisioned and directed by member libraries, and works in partnership with research and memory institutions, funders, and other partners, broadening and expanding Canada’s vision and impact in digital scholarship."CKRN is a partnership of Canadian universities that undertakes large-scale content acquisition and licensing initiatives to help its member institutions.
Labels: digital collections, digitization, preservation
"Open access to scholarship has become an important mandate for research and teaching institutions in Canada and around the world. For the better part of the past decade, the number of universities and law schools that have implemented digital repositories has grown dramatically. In this movement, Librarians have naturally assumed the role of facilitating, preserving and expanding access to the intellectual output and educational materials of their organizations. In this webinar, you will hear digital repository success stories from three librarians who have been entrusted with protecting the vital assets of their respective law school or university."The three speakers will be:
Labels: continuing education, digital collections, library associations, open access
Labels: Supreme Court of Canada
Labels: CanLII, journals, open access
Labels: current awareness, law libraries, library associations
Labels: Supreme Court of Canada