Supreme Court of Canada Announces Two Hearings in Quebec City in September 2022
The Supreme Court of Canada this week announced the two hearings that will be held in September 2022 when it sits in Quebec City:
"On September 14th, the Court will hear Her Majesty the Queen v. Pascal Breault. This case from the Quebec Court of Appeal asks the Court whether police must have an approved testing device with them when they order someone to provide a breath sample. The next day, the Court will hear Janick Murray-Hall v. Attorney General of Quebec, another appeal from the Quebec Court of Appeal pertaining to growing cannabis for personal use."
"While in Quebec’s capital city, the Court will also host a free event for the public and conduct outreach at schools and among the local legal community. For those who wish to attend the public event on September 14, the Court encourages people to register early. The Court will update its microsite and social media accounts with more details throughout the spring and summer."
As part of its ongoing outreach efforts, the Court will travel from time to time to different parts of the country to hold hearings.
The Quebec City visit will be the 2nd time in its history that the Court sits outside Ottawa. Information is available on the special microsite created for the occasion.
The Court sat in Winnipeg in September 2019.
Labels: Supreme Court of Canada