Five Questions with Jacob Ericson - Stewart McKelvey
The most recent interview is with Jacob Ericson, Legal Information Specialist at the law firm Stewart McKelvey:
"How has being involved in CALL helped you professionally (e.g. scholarships & grants, continuing education, networking)?
I’ve only been a member in good standing of CALL for a year but it has already had a profound impact on my career. First, I attended this year’s CALL conference in Halifax and had an amazing time. I met a lot of amazing people, including a group of my peers in the New Professionals Special Interest Group. Connecting with a group of newer law librarians, whose stories and experiences were similar to my own, helped me feel far more at home in my chosen profession. After the conference I also attended the New Law Librarians Institute ('NLLI'), which is organized by CALL. The NLLI, which was held in Calgary this year, is designed to help supplement new law librarians’ legal knowledge so that they can better serve their clients. I attended many courses, taught by law professors and librarians, which provided me with a lot of technical legal information that I’ve found incredibly helpful in my job at Stewart McKelvey."
Labels: careers, law libraries, library associations, profiles